
My wife and I hosted a 4th of July party in 2015 at our new house. As a house warming gift my brother made us an over-sized Jenga-like set. The game turned out to be a huge hit at the party. Once people started to play everyone would gather around and watch waiting to see who would make it fall.

The night after the party my wife came up with the idea to build a business around the game. Given that my brother and I were both into woodworking as a hobby it was a great idea. After a few conversations Timber Toys was born.

Woodworking is an inherited trait that was passed down from our grandfather. I remember sitting on his lap trying to decide which toy he should make next. Our toys may not be the same toys he made but it is exciting to follow in his footsteps. We hope you enjoy the toys we make as much as we enjoyed the toys he made.


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